
  • COMP1511 19T3

    Posted by Tom Kunc Sunday 15 September 2019, 09:57:10 PM.

    The web page for COMP1511 19T3 is located at:

  • Exam and Marks Review, Monday-Tuesday 9-10th September

    Posted by Marc Chee Sunday 08 September 2019, 02:27:28 PM.

    Hi COMP1511,

    Just letting you know that I'll be available in one of the Consult rooms on the ground floor of K17 (room G01) from 2-5pm on both Monday and Tuesday if people would like to review their exam marks breakdown or any other queries about final assessment.


  • Results are available - also consultation times for marks and exam review

    Posted by Marc Chee Saturday 07 September 2019, 01:43:16 AM.

    Hello all!

    As many of you have noticed, the results for COMP1511 are now available for view in Astra.

    Hopefully it says you have a mark >= 50 and a grade of PS, CR, DN or HD.

    If so, you have met all requirements and have passed COMP1511. COMP1511 is a tough course and many of you had to work very hard over the past 3 months to get here. Well done and enjoy your break.

    Provisional marks can also change, for example when calculation errors are discovered, but we've never had to changed a provisional PS to a FL.

    If your Final Mark contains the grade FL unfortunately you have not passed COMP1511 and are not being offered further assessment. You will need to retake in COMP1511 if it is required for your degree. You will also have to un-enrol from any 19T2 COMP courses which require COMP1511 as prerequisite such as COMP1521, COMP1531 & COMP2521.

    If your result is WD or LE, your COMP1511 result is yet to be determined. Some students have the grade WD due to an investigation of possible assignment plagiarism and will be receiving an email from me with details.

    If you are being offered a supplementary exam, your grade should be WC and you should have received an email with the details.

    General queries about exam marking should be asked in the class forum but please first read answers to previous questions and the following information.

    Part 1 was automarked using patterns (regular-expressions) but a human marker was shown all answers matching the patterns and the marker adjusted the patterns to include all variants of correct (or partially correct) answers. Marks were not deducted for spelling mistakes, obvious typos, extra spaces, blank lines, writing \n for newline etc.

    Question 12 was omitted from the exam due to the confusing nature of the writing in the question. Part 1 was marked out of 19 possible questions and worth 20 possible marks.

    Part 2 questions were automarked using tests you hadn't seen, then passed to a human marker. If you scored less than full marks for a part 2 question, your answer must have failed at least one automarking test. All answers that passed all marking tests received full marks. The human marker could still give the majority of marks if an answer failed automarking tests for unimportant reasons.

    While passing the supplied autotests guaranteed no marks, almost all answers that passed the supplied autotests received 8+/10. A few students "hard-coded" the supplied autotests into their answer. This didn't help their code pass the (unseen) automarking tests, and didn't get marks from the human marker.

    The marking scripts automatically retrieved and marked answers which students forgot to submit - and for Part 1 if empty answers were accidentally saved over previous answers, the previous answers were recovered.

    Exam questions and answers (yours or mine) are not released.

    If you would like to review your course assessment (including a closer inspection of marks breakdown in the exam), I will be available from 2-5pm on Monday and Tuesday next week (9th and 10th September). Please note there is a faculty policy that falling 1 mark short of a HD/DN/CR, is not sufficient reason to review a student's assessment.


  • Skeleton of Exam Available for Tomorrow's Exam

    Posted by Marc Chee Monday 19 August 2019, 07:24:02 PM.

    The exam skeletons for part 1 and part 2 of the final exam are now available.

    Please recheck your seating allocation for tomorrow's exam.

    Please plan to arrive early, Sydney buses and trains can not be relied on to run on time.

    If you are allocated to the morning session, your seating allocation will be a computer lab.

    If you are allocated to the afternoon session, your seating allocation will be a tute/lecture room. Go to that room and do not be late. You can not start the exam if you are late to the tute/lecture room. You will be taken from that room to a computer lab.

    You must bring your student card. You can bring pens and a transparent, unmarked water bottle. No other exam materials are allowed. You can not bring paper, phones, watches, calculators, laptops or any written material.

    Good luck and may the force be with you.

  • Exam Sessions and Revision

    Posted by Marc Chee Sunday 11 August 2019, 04:46:02 PM.

    Hello COMP1511,

    Just letting you know that the exam seating allocations have been made and may be viewed here: COMP1511 Exam Seating Allocations . If there's any problem with your allocation, please email us at

    On top of this, if anyone's looking for some extra content for revision, we've added a section to the course webpage here: Revision

    Good luck with your revision and in the final exam!

  • Exam Sessions Preference (due by the end of this week)

    Posted by Marc Chee Wednesday 31 July 2019, 09:13:37 PM.

    Hi COMP1511!

    Our exam is going to be on Tuesday, the 20th August and held in CSE's computer labs. There are two sessions available for this exam, a morning or afternoon session. You will automatically be assigned an exam session if:

    • You have a clash with another exam (you will be given a 1511 session that doesn't clash)
    • You have specific needs with regards to the exam environment and have approved Special Consideration for the exam

    However, if you have a preference for a morning or afternoon session or have other reasons that might not be the two above, please let us know your preference using the following form: ../seating/final/register.cgi/

    This form will only be open until the end of Week 9, so please give us your preferences as soon as you can.

  • Assignment 1 Automated Marking

    Posted by Marc Chee Monday 22 July 2019, 11:53:02 PM.

    By the time you receive this message, automated marking for Assignment 1, CS Paint should be complete.

    You can see your draft automarking results here: View Autotests/Submissions/Marking

    If you believe your performance mark is unfair, ask your tutors to consider adjusting it.

    Tutors will automatically ensure assignments with low performance marks (or which didn't compile) receive fair overall marks consistent with the assignment assessment scheme . If you are worried email your tutor.

    If you think there is some general issue with the performance mark or have general questions or concerns, please raise them in the class forum

    The assignment will soon be released to tutors who will assess the 20% style mark and finalise the total mark.

  • Assignment 2 has been released

    Posted by Marc Chee Monday 22 July 2019, 03:04:40 PM.

    Hello COMP1511!

    Assignment 2 has just been made public. It is called "Castle Defense" and it's a C based version of a Tower Defense game. Feel free to look through the specification here: Castle Defense

    If you have any queries about how the assignment works, you can ask questions on Piazza and we will also be introducing the assignment and having a quick look through the basic concepts in today's Live Stream, which you can view here: Assignment 2 Release Stream

  • Weekly Test Extension due to late release

    Posted by Marc Chee Tuesday 16 July 2019, 01:37:39 PM.

    Apologies all, The weekly test for week 6 was made public on WEBCMS much later than it should have been, meaning some students couldn't find the weekly test to complete it.

    We've extended the deadline to Monday to at least give you the weekend to schedule some time to take it.

  • Live Stream today CANCELLED

    Posted by Marc Chee Monday 08 July 2019, 03:15:39 PM.

    Apologies all, Marc is not feeling great today so he's had to cancel the live stream.

    However, Andrew Bennett, one of our tutors and Subject Administrator has recorded some videos that cover a lot of the crucial content that Marc wanted to stream today. Those videos are available at this link:

  • Census Dates and Checking your Progress

    Posted by Marc Chee Friday 28 June 2019, 04:45:14 PM.

    Hello all!

    A reminder that the census date for this term is Midnight at the end of this Sunday, the 30th of June. If you'd like more information about census, check out these links: ( ARC COURSE WITHDRAWAL & IMPORTANT DATES and UNSW Census Dates ).

    If you're receiving this message and thinking "What is COMP1511?" Then now is a very good time to check your enrollment and make sure you're not accidentally enrolled in COMP1511 when you don't want to be.

    At this point in the course, it's a good time to review what we've taught so far and how you think you're tracking with the concepts and the work. Do you think you need to put more work in or are you comfortable with the pace so far? If you haven't been completing labs and weekly tests, are you sure you understand the concepts so far and is now a good time to put some time into some catchup work?

    There's an old proverb that says: "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now." If you feel like you're falling behind or not understanding things, now's a good time to go back and try to cement your knowledge of the first few concepts in the course!


  • Extra Help Sessions for Assignment 1

    Posted by Andrew Bennett Wednesday 26 June 2019, 06:35:28 PM.

    There are extra help sessions running for the next few weeks.

    If you have any questions about the assignment, or if you need some help with getting started, or if you've run into a problem that you can't solve, the help sessions are there to help you.

    You can see all of the details about the help sessions on the help session page .

    The help session times for the next few weeks are:

    Monday 4pm - 6pm: Clavier Lab

    Tuesday 12pm - 2pm: Clavier Lab

    Wednesday 6pm - 8pm: Strings Jab (J17 Level 3)

    Thursday 6pm - 8pm: Strings Jab (J17 Level 3)

    Friday 4pm - 6pm: Mathews 103 (BYOD help session)

  • Live Stream today at 4pm

    Posted by Marc Chee Monday 24 June 2019, 01:04:26 PM.

    Hello all!

    A reminder that the second Live Stream will happen today at 4pm (and we're going to be doing regular Monday 4-6pm streams). We're going to take a first look at the Assignment Spec, answering any initial questions people might have as well as showing a bit of code that people might need to get started.

    The link to the channel and the upcoming stream are in the Live Streaming Sessions section of the Course Website.

  • Assignment 1 has been released

    Posted by Marc Chee Saturday 22 June 2019, 10:41:31 PM.

    Hello COMP1511,

    Assignment 1, known as CS Paint has been released. You will find the details of the Assignment specification in the Assignments section of the course website.

    Bear in mind that some of the assignment may seem confusing because we haven't covered everything you need to complete the assignment yet, but we will be covering the assignment in the Live Stream, Lectures and Tutorials this week.

    The assignment itself is due on Sunday the 14th July at 18:00.

  • First Weekly Test is now available

    Posted by Marc Chee Thursday 20 June 2019, 05:10:15 PM.

    Hello COMP1511!

    Just letting you know that the first of the Weekly Tests is available and accessible via the Tutorials, Labs, Tests section of the Course Website.

    Please remember that the weekly test is a self-invigilated mini exam, so don't use any outside resources while taking the test and stick to the one hour time limit. The test is there to help you check where you're up to and practice for the final exam, so taking extra time or looking up the results will just mean that you won't know where your strengths and weaknesses are and what you want to focus on.

    Apologies about the timing of the tests, the Course Outline originally said we were going to run these on Tuesdays, but we've since changed the time to be Thursdays each week. You still have a full 7 days to find a time to take the test.


  • First Live Stream on Monday 17/6/2019

    Posted by Marc Chee Sunday 16 June 2019, 03:16:08 PM.

    Hello all!

    We're going to have our first 1511 live stream on Monday the 17th June at 4pm. This is optional course content, unlike Lectures, Tutorials and Labs.

    The stream will be available via Youtube Live at this address: 01 COMP1511 19T2 First Stream . This should be publicly available so you'll be able to view it from anywhere with an internet connection. On top of that, it will be saved so you can return to it to view later if you can't make the time or want to go back over things in detail.

    At the moment, the plan is to have a look at looping and some code style as well as answering any questions people might have at the time.


  • Help Sessions start this week

    Posted by Marc Chee Monday 10 June 2019, 10:48:54 PM.

    Hi Everyone!

    During the lectures last week I mentioned Help Sessions as an optional extra time to get some one on one advice from tutors and help with specific problems. Well, they're starting tomorrow from 12-2pm and their continuing schedule will be listed in the Help Sessions section of our website.

  • Welcome to COMP1511

    Posted by Marc Chee Sunday 02 June 2019, 11:15:08 PM.

    Hello all!

    The teaching and admin staff would like to welcome you to COMP1511, starting this week. In case you haven't visited already, our course website is online at ( ). At the moment, the most important thing to look at is the Course Outline , which will have some of the details of how this course will be run.

    Some of the first week's Lecture, Tutorial and Laboratory material is available already if you're interested.

    You will also be receiving an email inviting you to our Course Forum, which is run by a system called Piazza. This forum will be a handy place to ask questions or look at answers other people have already received that might help you with your course work.

    We look forward to meeting you all very soon and sharing the joy of programming with you!

    Marc (on behalf of the COMP1511 Staff)

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