The assignment spec is a lot easier to read in a separate window.
The embedded view below is a lot narrower than viewing the page by itself, which makes the examples a lot harder to view.
You can either press the "View in Browser" button above, or click on this link to get to the assignment spec page: ../assignments/ass1/index.html .
Again, we strongly recommend that you view the assignment specification in a separate window , rather than looking at the embedded view below.
Resource created Friday 24 May 2019, 08:09:24 PM, last modified Tuesday 17 September 2019, 03:02:16 PM.
website: ../assignments/ass1/index.html
give cs1511 ass1_cs_paint file1 file2 file3 ...
The give command for this assignment is: "give cs1511 ass1_cs_paint paint.c"
1511 classrun -check ass1_cs_paint
1511 classrun -collect ass1_cs_paint