In ASCII the integers (0-31) represent control characters, which don't print anything. Similarly, the integer 127 represents another special character, the delete character. The integers 32 to 126 are printing characters - for example the integer 42 represents an asterisk ('*') character.
Create a C program called character_numbers.c
prints the integers 32 to 126 in decimal and hexademical with the
the character they represent in ASCII.
Match the example output below EXACTLY:
dcc character_numbers.c -o character_numbers ./character_numbers 32 0x20 33 0x21 ! 34 0x22 " 35 0x23 # 36 0x24 $ 37 0x25 % 38 0x26 & 39 0x27 ' 40 0x28 ( 41 0x29 ) 42 0x2a * 43 0x2b + 44 0x2c , 45 0x2d - 46 0x2e . 47 0x2f / 48 0x30 0 49 0x31 1 50 0x32 2 51 0x33 3 52 0x34 4 53 0x35 5 54 0x36 6 55 0x37 7 56 0x38 8 57 0x39 9 58 0x3a : 59 0x3b ; 60 0x3c < 61 0x3d = 62 0x3e > 63 0x3f ? 64 0x40 @ 65 0x41 A 66 0x42 B 67 0x43 C 68 0x44 D 69 0x45 E 70 0x46 F 71 0x47 G 72 0x48 H 73 0x49 I 74 0x4a J 75 0x4b K 76 0x4c L 77 0x4d M 78 0x4e N 79 0x4f O 80 0x50 P 81 0x51 Q 82 0x52 R 83 0x53 S 84 0x54 T 85 0x55 U 86 0x56 V 87 0x57 W 88 0x58 X 89 0x59 Y 90 0x5a Z 91 0x5b [ 92 0x5c \ 93 0x5d ] 94 0x5e ^ 95 0x5f _ 96 0x60 ` 97 0x61 a 98 0x62 b 99 0x63 c 100 0x64 d 101 0x65 e 102 0x66 f 103 0x67 g 104 0x68 h 105 0x69 i 106 0x6a j 107 0x6b k 108 0x6c l 109 0x6d m 110 0x6e n 111 0x6f o 112 0x70 p 113 0x71 q 114 0x72 r 115 0x73 s 116 0x74 t 117 0x75 u 118 0x76 v 119 0x77 w 120 0x78 x 121 0x79 y 122 0x7a z 123 0x7b { 124 0x7c | 125 0x7d } 126 0x7e ~
When you think your program is working you can use
to run some simple automated tests:
1511 autotest character_numbers
// Print out an ASCII table of "character numbers".
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i = 32;
while (i < 127) {
printf("%3d 0x%x %c\n", i, i, i);
i = i + 1;
return 0;
to echo the user's input.
reads the next character (byte) from standard
input and returns it. If getchar()
is unable to read a
character it will return the special value EOF defined in
. This will happen for example when reading from
a file when the end of the file is reached.
You can simulate the end of a file being reached on a Linux (and
Unix-like) terminal by holding the Ctrlkey and pressing
the D key - This will cause
to return the special EOF value.
takes a single character (byte) as a
parameter and prints it to standard output.
For example:
dcc parrot.c -o parrot ./parrot abc abc ABCabc123 ABCabc123 abc abc xyz xyz
When you think your program is working you can use
to run some simple automated tests:
1511 autotest parrot
// Read characters until eof
// Andrew Taylor -
// 22/4/2018
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
// getchar returns an int which will contain either
// the ASCII code of the character (if input is ASCII) or EOF
int ch = getchar();
while (ch != EOF) {
ch = getchar();
return 0;
You should make sure you have completed parrot before completing this task.
Write a program text_to_int.c
which reads characters
and prints their decimal values, each on a new line.
Copy your parrot.c
file and use it as a starting point.
For example:
dcc text_to_int.c -o text_to_int ./text_to_int abc 97 98 99 10 17 49 55 10 Hello, world! 72 101 108 108 111 44 32 119 111 114 108 100 33 10 17 is my favourite number. 49 55 32 105 115 32 109 121 32 102 97 118 111 117 114 105 116 101 32 110 117 109 98 101 114 46 10
Note in the above example the decimal value 10 is the new line character.
When you think your program is working you can use
to run some simple automated tests:
1511 autotest text_to_int
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int ch = getchar();
while (ch != EOF) {
printf("%d\n", ch);
ch = getchar();
return 0;
cp -n /web/cs1511/19T1/activities/lowercase/lowercase.c .Your task is to add code to this function in lowercase.c:
// Returns the specified character `c`, in lowercase.
int lowercase(int c) {
// Your code goes here!
// Don't forget to return your result.
return 0;
The function lowercase takes in a character, c
if it is an uppercase letter, converts it to lowercase and returns
that value. All other input values should be returned unchanged.
Here is how lowercase.c should behave after you add the correct code to the function lowercase:
dcc lowercase.c -o lowercase ./lowercase ABC abc ABCabc123 abcabc123 123!@# 123!@#
When you think your program is working you can use
to run some simple automated tests:
1511 autotest lowercase
// Print out characters in lower case.
#include <stdio.h>
int lowercase(int c);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Scan in the character.
int c = getchar();
// Loop until there are no more characters to scan.
while (c != EOF) {
// Print the character, in lowercase.
// Get the next character.
c = getchar();
return 0;
// The difference between lowercase and uppercase letters.
// If we had the letter 'A', and we added _something_ to it, we would
// get 'a' -- as the ascii values for lowercase letters are higher than
// the ascii values for uppercase letters.
// The _something_ that we have to add is the difference between lower
// and uppercase letters.
// e.g. 'A' + ('a' - 'A') can be rearranged to 'A' - 'A' + 'a',
// which gives us lowercase 'a'.
int lowercase(int c) {
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
return c - 'A' + 'a';
} else {
return c;
cp -n /web/cs1511/19T1/activities/uppercase/uppercase.c .Your task is to add code to this function in uppercase.c:
int uppercase(int c) {
return 0; // change to your return value
The function uppercase takes in a character, c
if it is an uppercase letter, converts it to uppercase and returns
that value. All other input values should be returned unchanged.
Here is how uppercase.c should behave after you add the correct code to the function uppercase:
dcc uppercase.c -o uppercase ./uppercase abc ABC ABCabc123 ABCABC123 123!@# 123!@#
When you think your program is working you can use
to run some simple automated tests:
1511 autotest uppercase
// alex linker 2017-08-17
// main function for uppercase activity
#include <stdio.h>
int uppercase(int c);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// get the character
int c = getchar();
// loop until end of characters
while (c != EOF) {
// print the character in uppercase
//get the next character
c = getchar();
return 0;
int uppercase(int c) {
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
return c - 'a' + 'A';
} else {
return c;
cp -n /web/cs1511/19T1/activities/rotate_one/rotate_one.c .Your task is to add code to this function in rotate_one.c:
// "Rotate" the letter by one, i.e. change 'a' to 'b', 'b' to 'c',
// 'z' to 'a'.
int rotateOne(int c) {
// Your code goes here!
// Don't forget to return your result.
return 0;
The rotate_one function should "rotate" a letter through the
alphabet by one position.
This means that if the input is 'a', the output should be 'b'. 'z' becomes 'a' and 'Z' becomes 'A'.
Any non-letter characters should be returned unchanged.
Here is how rotate_one.c should behave after you add the correct code to the function rotate_one:
dcc rotate_one.c -o rotate_one ./rotate_one Hello, world! Ifmmp, xpsme! 17 is my favourite number. 17 jt nz gbwpvsjuf ovncfs.
When you think your program is working you can use
to run some simple automated tests:
1511 autotest rotate_one
// Rotate a character by one -- i.e. turn 'a' to 'b', 'b' to 'c', ...
// 'z' to 'a'.
// A sample solution.
#include <stdio.h>
char rotateOne(char c);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Scan in the first character.
int c = getchar();
// Loop until there are no more characters to scan.
while (c != EOF) {
// Print the character, "rotated" once.
// Get the next character.
c = getchar();
return 0;
// "Rotate" the letter by one, i.e. change 'a' to 'b', 'b' to 'c',
// ..., 'z' to 'a'.
char rotateOne(char c) {
// If the character is between 'a' and 'y', we can just add one
// to it.
if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'y') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Y')) {
c = c + 1;
} else if (c == 'z') {
// If it's 'z', we can't just add one -- we need it to wrap
// around.
c = 'a';
} else if (c == 'Z') {
// Similarly for capital 'Z'.
c = 'A';
return c;